
Home Memberships



Traditionally you go to your physio and pay for each visit, you don’t know how much it will cost up front, you just keep paying.

It’s like taking your car to the mechanic and not knowing when it will be ready and waiting until it’s fixed to find out how much it cost. The bill could be huge or tiny, you just have to trust the mechanic. I wouldn’t like doing this with my car let alone my body, so we have created the membership. You know upfront what it costs for 10 weeks of treatment.

Benefits of a membership:
– Saves you money, cheaper than paying casually
– Clear goals and timeframes
– Fixed cost, you know upfront how much it will cost
– Money back guarantee for peace of mind
You don’t have to sign up. If you prefer we still have the traditional casual visits, and feel free to do it that way. It’s your choice!

Exclusive Membership
10 week Program
2 x 1 on 1 Sessions per week and 1 Free Class
$2100 upfront or Direct Debited Weekly ($210)

Class Membership
8 week Program, either:
2x classes per week, $448 ($28 per class),
1x classes per week, $260 ($32.5 per class).