Pain in your shoulder? Limited with lifting or moving arm above your head?
You could have a reduced space inside the shoulder joint that is causing inflammation. Recent research dictates that the mechanisms for pain are not that clear and further imaging of the joint is not the answer as it only can lead to more fear and doubt which is highly unnecessary. With current literature we are able to progress a new understanding of the commonly thought of “shoulder impingement” to the term “subacromial pain syndrome” that gives us a better and more realistic term of your pain.
You may be offered a cortisone injection which evidence has repeatedly shown to be less effective compared to strengthening exercises which help reduce the stress and therefore inflammation in the joint. So, why not give your body the treatment it deserves and help reduce that pain long term to help you get back to where you want to be in life. Don’t let a treatable injury limit you for life.
We know through research that the best way to manage this condition is to move! We need to load the muscles up carefully and allow the tissue to increase in tolerance to load. However, how and when is important. This is where we at the Movement Mill are the experts in understanding your condition and giving you the exercises and treatment to help your shoulder long term to get you back to where you want to be.
Here are some exercises that we would suggest that will help you alleviate your symptoms and get you back to living the life you want!
Side lying External rotation

Full can

Bent over row

Timeframe: Research shows that to gain these benefits treatment needs to start ASAP, and will generally take 8-10 weeks of twice a week sessions to really ensure your shoulder is of the strength which it needs to be.
Call us today if you have any questions, we are always happy to assist you.
Written by Simon Zibellini, Exercise Physiologist
- Painful Shoulder: Exercise Can Reduce Pain and Improve Mobility and Function (2020) Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical TherapyPublished Online:February 29, 2020 (50,3) p142
- Cuff A, Littlewood C. Subacromial impingement syndrome – what does this mean to and for the patient? A qualitative study. Musculoskeletal science and practice. 2018;33:24-28.
- Lewis J. The End of an Era? J Orthop & Sports Phys Ther. 2018;48(3):127-129.