News / National Ride2School Day

Home News

When: 19th March 2021

Physical activity guidelines for kids:

According to the Australian Government Department of Health, children 5-12 years should participate in 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day! This is more than what is recommended for Australian adults. Types of activity should be various – including exercise focused on building muscle and bone strength 3 times a week. 

Reasons to ride to school?

  1. Increase brain function and concentration
  2. Burn off extra energy
  3. Fun and can make new friends
  4. Promotes physical activity for later in life
  5. Education of safe riding
  6. Building stronger heart, bones and muscles

Tips on getting started: 

Although the National Ride2School day is 1 day of the year, there is no reason you can’t start now. This will ensure that the activity becomes a habit rather than a gimmick done once per year. Realistically, riding to school (or work) once is not going to change a habit dramatically. 

However, if you are to practise your bike riding and set some aims for how many times a week you will ride to school or how quickly you can make the journey then you are more likely to increase you and your child’s adherence to exercise!

If riding to school is too far, then that is ok! Don’t use that as an excuse to not exercise. Instead, go for a bike ride when the kids get home from school either in the front yard or at a local park! 

Watch this space from more info about bike riding and increasing your physical activity! Next blog in the series focuses on riding safely

By Elizabeth Spiteri, Accredited Exercise Physiologist